Time to erase some photos from my phone

Nowadays my phone might be considered obsolete... and is acting like obsolete. So I was forced to erease a lot of pictures I had storaged in it, and for my sake, I did it. So here there's the first lot that I call: 

Comando Nacional Simón Bolívar:

I took some picture while I was working for the presidential elections. I've been in the campain headquarter for the last three months. Now it's not that much fun as it used to be (because the campaing is over now), but here there are some (few) pictures of where I was and what I saw... mostly.

My identification to get into the press room.
Una de las primeras ruedas de prensa con los concejales Edinson Ferrer (PJ), Alejandro Vivas (PJ), y el diputado suplente por el Edo. Táchira en la AN, Miguel Pizarro.Un periodista entrevistando a la diputada del Parlatino Delsa Solórzano y al abogado Luis Izquiel.Otra de las ruedas de prensa con el diputado en la AN por el Edo. Miranda, Alfonso Marquina, y el secretario ejecutivo de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), Ramón Guillermo Aveledo.Rueda de prensa de la juventud para hacer llamado al voto.

This first group was from 14-A, the same election day. I was at the press room, where the internacional journalist were and where the press conference were given. There's my press ID and the media that was there.

Richard Blanco
El Alcalde Metropolitano Antonio Ledezma.
secretario ejecutivo de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática, Ramón Guillermo Aveledo

This second group, is from some politicians being interview by the national and international media.

Esta ERA la entrada del Comando Nacional Simón Bolívar.

This was the entry of the headquarter... sadly only for a few days.

Uno de los jefes de campana, Carlos Ocariz, nos agradeció todo el trabajo realizado durante la segunda campaña presidencial. Junto a él estpan Óscar López, Ramón José Medina.

Surprinsingly, one of the chfief of the campaing headquarter thank us for our hard work, he said he was glad to have worked with us and all... it was a nice gesture from him.

César Miguel Rondón moderando el acto con los artistas.

A coworker send this one when he attended that emotional act with the venezuelan artist in support of the candidate.

El día de cierre de campaña en Caracas en la Av.Bolívar.

This other was sent by another coworker the day of the closure of the cmpaing in the capital city.

En reunión con Henrique Carpiles.

And this one was sent by our boss, she was in a meeting with the candidate the next day after the elections.
