Just looking at him makes my whole year

co984life:  fahkin-jewcy:  i just did like 8 double takes in a row when i found this pic in my science folder. i don’t even, i want to even, it would be nice to even BUT I CAN NOT EVEN!   I can’t help but reblog him all over againco984life:  brokenlungs:  sugartoes:  OKAY, FINE, GOSH.  oh dear lord YES PLEASE.   Ay, mi vida…co984life:  brokenlungs:  courtkneeee:  HAY LADIES HAY  HAYYYco984life:  skycontroltominorbob:  fahkin-jewcy:  how’d i turn my shirt inside out?co984life:  pinchecourtney:  sarawithfriends:  fahkin-jewcy:  no words just hands sweating mouth watering thigh clenching emotions  holy mother of fuck!! where has this picture been?! THIGHS OMG THIGHS  OH JESUS CHRIST   *Orgasm*co984life:  nosferatued:  (via sarawithfriends)co984life:  fahkin-jewcy:  both barrels, bitchco984life:  fahkin-jewcy:  put his arms around me said boy now getcha paws right off of me aka things i would never say to eli..(via p-dizzle) Ok,I’m done…co984life:  lovevigilante:  nyota:  courtkneeee:  rexilla:  (via sarawithfriends) I… am speechless  Hmm.  I need him in my life so hard.I want nothing less than to be the love of his life and for him to smile at me like that every single day.  The long hair NEEDS TO COME BACK. UNGELLED, that is.co984life:  pinchecourtney:  missababe:  (via fahkin-jewcy) Tight shirt? check. Scruff? check. Messy spikes? check. Dem moles? check. Perfect picture.co984life:  (via fahkin-jewcy) Who has two thumbs and is one GQMF? This guy!co984life:  fahkin-jewcy:  babylonisburning:  sarawithfriends:  Eli Roth: Amazing, Massive, and Fuckable.  HNNNNNNNNNNNNG XBOX HUGE  i can not even computer. can you just imagine your face buried into that chest,sdfadfdsco984life:  inglouriousbitch:  babylonisburning:  (via sarawithfriends) LET ME BUY YOU….A DRAAAAAAAAANK  uuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnfffffffffff seriously, these pictures of him at the airport are probably my favorite. that shirt drives my INSANEco984life:  brokenlungs:  courtkneeee:  DEM ARMS.  UNFFFForewatowi:  (via fahkin-jewcy)lovevigilante:  Anddd the third installment of this trio of lovely images. Thank you, Russians.  Fucking adorable.lovevigilante:  Thank God for Russian HQ image sights. My screen has lip marks on it. JK, but for real.  Adorable.fahkin-jewcy:  teddy fahkin williams(via fahkin-jewcy)sarawithfriends:  Eli Roth: Amazing, Massive, and Fuckable.  Thank you, thank you very muchfahkin-jewcy:  enjoy the view(via fahkin-jewcy)fahkin-jewcy:  i feel a strictly arm porn spam brewing…fahkin-jewcy:  RAH RAH AH AH AH ROMA RO MAMA GAGA OOH LA LA OUT OF THOSE CLOTHES NOWsarawithfriends:  paranoia paranoia everybody’s coming to get meeee  But it’s kinda true…sarawithfriends:  THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT, HERNANDEZ(via sarawithfriends) Tan bello e imberbe.fuckyeahbasterds:  Oi, so how many of our followers bought the dvd last night and this morning?  Me gusta hacer picspam de Eli Roth, me di cuenta que lo hago como si fuera un álbum y debiera tener todas las barajitas…fuckyeahbasterds:  Seems like Mister Roth took twitter suggestions to heart last night.(via fuckyeahbasterds) OMG! The sweater ant the shinny-tight pants!(via fahkin-jewcy) He’s obviously happy… and that makes me happy^^fahkin-jewcy:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUND!babylonisburning:  Fuck. You all lured me in with “Eli at work” spam.  “WHAT MOTHAFOKA?!”babylonisburning:  So staged…but it counts!(via fahkin-jewcy)nyota:  Still my favourite photo of him.fahkin-jewcy:  pull up to my bumper baby, drive it in betweenbabylonisburning:  Fan favorite
