
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2010
By the way, one of my best friends gave me a Halloween bracelet with a little witch… and I broke it =(


Yesterday I went out with my friends to celebrate Halloween. I love those bitches do much. I know then since we were six years old. They are all my friends. I don't get to see them much, but when we reunite our problems go away and we get to be happy for a day. After a big meal we HAD TO get some dessert... so we went for some cheesecake :D

Can I love them all?

Esto es lo que hago en el trabajo en vez de trabajar

Caricaturas de todos en la oficina... … and play with my boss’ stuff. My job partner told me she had to take a picture of me because I looked like “my life is too miserable”.

What a cuties^^


Big venezuelan drum kit

It's my uncle's birthday, this meas... FOOD



Oh my...

Anne Hathaway: Happily Ever After - Vogue by Mario Testino, November 2010


¿Quién va pa' Sonata Arctica mañana?


First times

Yesterday was one of my little cousin's first birthday. I don't really like children so you can tell that I had a pretty much boring day. That's my cousin Samantha decorating and shit. But late at night my other cousin Nathasha wanted to get drunk. So... I said, why the fuck not? ut late at night my other cousin Nathasha wanted to get drunk. So... I said, why the fuck not? And... this is my cousin completely wasted. She's funny as hell. and was the first time she ever got drunk. This is the kind of party I like.
I really have a shopping problem… I have to get out of the house only with the minimun necessary money, or I spend it on anything. Last Friday I bougth this while waiting for my best friend, who by the way, never showed up.
Yesterday I went with my job partner for a free McFlyrry Cookies ‘n’ Creme… that thing should be illegal. I thught I would never say thiss… but… this is too sweet.

Otra vez este oscuro diario

Odio este trabajo. Vengo todos los días temprano, me tomo una taza de café frente a la computadora, hago actividades que cualquier imbécil con tres dedos de frente puede hacer... y transcurre el resto del día como si i alma se estuviese desvaneciendo al vacío, al olvido. Todos los días la patética comedia se repite. Comedia o tragedia. Comedia y a veces tragedia. Mis primeros días transcurrieron normal, un adjetivo al cual no estoy acostumbrada a acudir. Normal... sin novedades. Ciertamente el cambio de ambiente, la frescura de un nuevo entorno, los diferentes rostros, me sentaron bien; como la sensación de empezar desde cero puede ofrecer fortalecedoras esperanzas. Ahora, después de unos meses, esta vida monótona y triste comienza a carcomerme desde el fondo, recordándome fantasmalmente el sentimiento que hace tiempo enfrenté y del cual eventualmente huí. Ahora vuelve; puedo sentirlo como un pequeño monstruo que con sus diminutas garras va rasguñando mis entrañas. Este oficio no me in

Breakfast, lunch and dinner right here


October wishlist

I haven't done this for a while... 1.- An aligator shiny skull 2.- Some Victorian clothing 3.- Cute Halloween decoration all-year-lasting 4.- A Gaga shirt 5.- This shoes... all of them! 6.- Goth loli clothing 7.- This case 8.- This adorable clips^^ 9.- Vintage glasses 10.- To look like Kim Kardashian