fuckyeahgoths:  (via teenagejesus)(via wednesdayree)sitasays:  serina:  A reminder for Sita that snow can be pretty… I think she wants to KILL all the snow in the world right now and I don’t really blame her.   Girl, you don’t even know the half of it!  I can’t even see my car anymore.  It’s completely buried.  Looks like a marshmallow in the snow and the wind…holy crap.artpixie:  231/365 (via fat owls)craigbean:  mcshiznette:i love lisa<3(via grungypixie)craigbean:  mcshiznette:alonelyliver:(via bloodisthenewblackk)acidfields:  battleofevermore:  (via dreamandwake)somethingintellectual:  thespianmuse:overdramatics:medullaxo:(via thepincushionqueen)darksilenceinsuburbia:  (via nightscale)(via killmetheking)duotoned:  (via orientaltiger)(via geneticmutations)herekitty:  basterda:daintydoll:satanlovesyou:repentchild:findmetyingaropefromthetree
