Get to know

Time started: 03:20 am
Name: Andrea
Single or Taken: Single
Sex: Female
Birthday: August 2nd
Sign: Leo
Eye colour: Brown
What are you wearing: Shorts and a NIN t-shirt
Where do you live: Venezuela
Righty or lefty: Righty.


Where is your favorite place to shop: ZARA
Color: Black
Number: 2
Boys Name: Robert
Girls Name: Anastacia, Alicia… whatever with A
Animal: Bunny
Month: October
Movie: The Crow
Juice: Orange
Breakfast: Waffles with honey, scramble eggs with bacon and a cup of maroccan tea.
Favorite cartoon character: Jhonny Bravo.

Given anyone a bath: Yes, to my druken friend.
Smoked: Twice and done…
Bungee Jumped: No.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Eaten a dog: Not that I know of…
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: No.
Loved someone so much it made you cry: No.
Broken a bone: No.
Played truth or dare: Yes.
Been in a physical fight: Sort of…
Been in a police car: No.
Been in a hot tub: No.
Swam in the ocean: Yes… a lot of years ago.
Fallen asleep in school: Still…
Ran away: No; not that I don’t want to.
Broken someone’s heart: I believe so.
Cried when someone died: No.
Cried in school: No.
Fell off your chair: Not that I recall.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No.
Saved AIM/MSN conversation: Yes… but don’t remember with what purpose.

Your good luck charm: None.
Best song you ever heard: This question is ridiculous…
What’s your room like: It’s just a room…
What kind of shampoo do you use: Sedal for curls
Do you believe in karma: I go with ‘yes’.

Chicken pox: Don’t know.
Sore Throat: Yes.
Stitches: No.
Broken nose: No.


Believe in love at first sight: No.
Like picnics: Yes.
Like school: Sometimes.
What schools have you gone to: Two.
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: No.
Who was the last person that called you: My aunt?
What makes you laugh the most: Funny clever things…?

You yelled at: Don’t remember… my mom?
Who broke your heart: No one.
Who is your loudest friend: Vanessa.

Do you like filling these out: Not particularly.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Both.
Do you like yourself: Sometimes.
Do you get along with your family: Generally, yes.
Obsessive: Very much.
Compulsive: No.
Anorexic: No.

What are you listening to right now: Kidnap the Sandy Klaus by KoRn
What did you do yesterday: Went to classes…
Hate someone in your family: No.
What car do you wish you had: 79’ Dodge Charger
Where do you want to get married: Married?
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: I’ll be healthier.
How many remote controls are in your house: Like 5 or so…
Are you double jointed: No.
Last time you took a bath: Today.
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: Alice in Wonderland
Do you like scary or happy movies: Both.
Black or white: Black.
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Haven’t drink none.
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla.
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond.
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
Sprite or 7-Up: Whatever.
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Coffee or Tea: Tea
Phone or in person: In person.
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Don’t know, I’m twin.
Indoor or outdoor: Sometimes one, sometimes the other.

Finished at 03:38 AM
