
I went out my my mom today. My mother and I are always in bad mood, but today we were both cool, so I went with her to the hair dresser, she (On the black cape) wanted to get her hair done… and I waited outside… this, of course, has its rewards.

Then we went for grocery shopping… she even bougth me a strawberry jelly.

So, she bougth me this sandals^^

New clothing!!! (two tops and a sweater that I cannot show because it's black and it doesn't quite look good in the pic)

And fucking pizza for dinner!

This is how I was dressed today… for me it’s a big deal because I NEVER wear another color than black… spetially red, I don’t wanna be mistaken for a chavista sucker.

I really like red, and I like that I looked different today^^


Ashura ha dicho que…
I love black too and i feel naked if i'm not dress in black, but wearing other colors it's good too, makes you look a little different and a little change sometimes it's not bad, adjust it to your own style. I think i commited lots of mistakes writting this XD but what the heck.