Day 02

Today was the second celebration of my birthday…. this as a cheap excuse from my family to make a party. Anyway, my little second cousin decorated the living room like this. I don’t know how to feel about it.

If I actually would have know today was going to be a second birthday party for me. I would not have told my thesis friend to come over to work.

And my aunt gave me this this as a gift this morning. I love, I actually think it is very pretty although it is gold (and I don't ever wear anything gold). She told me she make someone brought it from Libano.

It was a very nice day. I get to talk to my family about my job and how much I despice it. They told me I should wait for them to see how good I am in what I do. My bosses are not going to give me a big responsability only within a week from knwing be. So I suppossed I should keep doing a good job and wait for some action.

I had the couple of drinks I was longing for.

My uncle cook barbecue, it was really tasty. My cousin's wife made lasagna (my favorite) and I finally got an ice cream cake, wich I could have sworn I took a picture of and now I can't find it.
