Wanting to watch a cute movie I ended up seeing An Education; problably not the best pick. Contrary to believes I do like a happy story with a nice ending. I am not even finishing this one because I will ended up getting depressed. I'm having that little nasty dark feeling right now, the one I have had before, and don't want things getting bad. So I am not even going there.

It is quite funny how a single person can change your life, but anyway, I wouldn't know because I have only seen it in films... In real life another person usually got you change for the worse.

This movie has not a happy ending, so I won't finish it. I don't need a moral that I already know. Now I'm gonna focus on something cheerful like my new crush/obsession with Bill Hader (and possibly, Seth Meyer). I know, I don't now what the fuck it's happening to me lately.

P.S.: Read the plot of a movie before watching.
P.S.2: I MUST learn to write english without using "I" so much.

strangewood:  Keep it together, Hader.
